
Geographical and regional-economic studies are explored approaches to studying the content and features of tourism marketing, including its regional aspects. The analysis of scientific publications on the problems of the scientific reflection of regional aspects of tourism marketing is presented. Considered and substantiated expediency of separation the terms “regional tourism marketing” and “marketing of the tourist region”. Are substantiated necessity and expediency of application of the category of the geographic region as a complex territorial system as an integral object of regional marketing in tourism; features and principles of such application are considered. It is emphasized on the necessity of applying the principle of regionalism because system-geographical and regional-economic aspects are one of the foundations of regional tourism marketing. It is noted that in scientific research on the basis of a systematic approach, it is usually necessary to take into account two aspects: ontological and epistemological. It is determined that the region is a socio-geographical system, which first of all represents an interconnected set of various quality elements (nature-population-economy) in conditions of an integral territory. The features of perspective approaches to the geographical deepening of the principles of regional tourism marketing are outlined. The authors state that in accordance with the geographical methodology, the hierarchy of geographical regions is divided: the zonal region-macroregion – mezoregion – microregion – nanoregion. Based on the study, indicated the urgency of the task of applying geographic approaches to the substantiation of the essence and methods of evaluation of tourist resources, identification and substantiation of the marketing essence of the forms of territorial localization of the tourist sphere, a comprehensive analysis of the territorial structure and regional differentiation of the tourist product, substantiation of geoecological norms, analysis and optimization of transport-territorial systems as elements of a tourist product and as elements of the infrastructure of the region.

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