
Objective. To determine of criteria for assessing risk factors for the development of preeclamsiai pregnant women.Маterial and methods.Thestudyincluded 70 pregnantwomenagedfrom 19 to 35 years, 48 (68.8%)ofthemwithmildand 22 (31.4%) withseverepreeclamsia.The 1-stgroupconsistedof 30 womenatriskofdevelopingpreeclamsia, whowereclinicallymonitoredduringpregnancyandchildbirth, the 2-dgroup consistedof 25 pregnant women who had a risk of developing preeclamsia, these patients, in addition to clinicalobservation, underwent combination therapy and 3-d – 15 healthy pregnant women without somatic andobstetric pathology.Results. It was found that during a physiologically proceeding pregnancy, an adequate adaptive restructuring of the maternal hemodynamics occurs, aimed at meeting the needs of the growing fetus.In the second half of the trophoblast invasion, there is an increase in impact volume and minute volume by 16-19%,while there is a simultaneous decrease in volume of peripheral vascular resistance by 10.8% and stableindicators of systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure.Conclusion. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that not always in the absence of a risk factor,preeclamsia cannot develop, so a thorough search for pathogenetic markers of the disease..

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