
Introduction. The article focuses on health and wellness behavior patterns of teachers as an important factor promoting a value-based attitude to health in students. The research is a comparative analysis of health behavior in teachers with different levels of intrapersonal resources. Materials and Methods. The study involved 120 teachers doing a professional development course at the Kamchatka Institute of Educational Development in 2020. The methods included Janoff-Bulman’s World Assumptions Scale (WAS) (adapted by M. A. Padun and A. V. Kotelnikova); Maddi’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by Ye. N. Osin); the subscale “Purpose in Life” of the Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being (adapted by N. N. Lepeshinsky). The health behavior of teachers was assessed using questionnaires and the methodology “Attitude to a Significant Life Situation” by E. Yu. Korzhova and A. V. Berdnikova. Results. The study involved two experimental groups (EG) of teachers with different levels of intrapersonal potential: EG 1 (66 people) of teachers with a high level of intrapersonal resources and EG 2 (39 people) of teachers with a lower level of resources. The groups included women of different age, work experience, educational levels and subject areas. Teachers with different levels of intrapersonal resources showed differences in behavioral patterns, e.g., sleep adequacy (φ* = 2.63**); attitude to seeking help of a psychologist (φ* = 1.8*) and significant relatives, e.g., a spouse (φ* = 3.76**); attitude regarding significant situations: acceptance (φ* = 2.33**), active participation (φ* = 2.25*), optimistic forecast (φ* = 2.78**); self-assessment of health (φ* = 3.29**); the subjective representation of somatic health, e.g., the frequency of headaches (φ* = 1.85*), etc. Conclusion. The obtained data allow to identify prevention targets as regards health. They also contribute to the solution of applied issues in the system of professional development of teachers.

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