
Objective: To consider the main approaches to organization of systems and communication networks on high-speed railway transport and provide cyber security on the basis of current international and home practice in the given sphere. Methods: Game-theory approach, hierarchy analysis method as well as topological transformation of stochastic networks were applied in the given study. Results: It was detected that a single realization of organizational and technical measures on cyber security cannot provide strong security from threats of cyber security during a long period of time; the latter is connected with constant development of data infrastructure, modification of methods, as well as the methods of attacks, potential attacker opportunities and other factors. Telecommunication networks’ security (TKS) of OJSC “Russian railways” and high-speed railway lines (VSM) from cyber impact is a systemic problem, for the solution of which fundamental research studies are to be conducted, aimed at the detection of basic patterns of information confrontation and directions of TKS cyber security provision and, subsequently, research and development activities for creating an automated communication control system of OJSC “Russian railways” and VSM, the constituent part of which is a subsystem of TKS information security. It is advisable to create an expert council based at regional transport universities, which provide extensive analysis conduct of systems and means of providing information security offered by the industry, as well as cyber security of OJSC “Russian railways” and VSM critically important systems including TKS. Practical importance: The realization of the suggested approach to OJSC “Russian railways” and VSM cyber security provision will make it possible to form the conditions for safe functioning of elements of information infrastructure, provide the creation, effective functioning and the improvement of cyber security control system, as well as to minimize damage from possible attack attempts.

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