
Introduction. The article deals with the transformation of society as a holistic system. Atthecurrent stage of development of our country the issueso fintellectual potential, creation of modern intellectual and spiritu alenvironmentin Ukraine are very important. A signifi cantrole in solving this problemis played byeducation, and, moreover, university education, becaus eitdirectly affects the formation of the in telectualelite of society, forms the mentality and culture of society. In the era of the information society, education affects the status of the individual, promo tessocial mobility and creates equalle arning conditions; personal achieve mentsare determine dregardless of class, race, religion or gender. The absence of anyrestrictions generates a growing demand for education alservices by in creasing the number of education alinstitutions and expanding the scope of the iractivities. Researchinto the social problems of education in the information society is particularly importantasit make sitpossibleto identify the main problems and trendsin the development of the education system in modern society.Purpose. Conside rationof change sandpro cessestaking place in the modern Ukrainian society and identification of the signific ance and charact eristics of the functioning of the institution of education in the conditions of society transformation. Studying the features of the functioning of the social institution of education inmodern society, itisim portantto focusmainly on generalissue sofinter action between society and the university education system, to determineits place and rolein the social system.Methods. Inorderto achieve the goal, analytica land the oretical analysis, comparison, general ization oflitera rysour cesareused.Originality. Society requires new guidelines, the transformation of society should consistin defining itsidentity, over coming the amorphismin society. Education is animportants phere of people's life activities, in extricably linked with other importantsub systems of society (economic, political, etc.); the standard of society living, its development, cultura lachieve ments and values dependonit. Considering the peculiarities of functioning of the institution of education, itisappropriateto notethata key determinant of public lifein the information society is scientific know ledge.Conclusion. At the present stage of the statehood of our country, heissue of forming the foundations of the information society, in creasin gits in tell ectual potential, creating a modern Ukrainian intell ectualand spiritualenvironmentis becoming in creasing lyimportant. Education plays a sign ificantrolein solving thsissue, because eitaffects the spiritu alandmoralvalues of the individual, the mentaland cultural space of society.Dueto external in fluence sandinternalre forms, certaintr endsarefor medand manifested, track in gof whichis necess arytop redictfur ther development and opportunities, to analyze the short coming sandcal culate the necessary adjustments.

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