
The middle-early soybean variety Yelisey was obtained because of individual selection in F4 from the hybrid combination L-17 × Fora on differentiating backgrounds based on increased cold and drought resistance. According to the results of variety testing in 2018–2021 variety Yelisey, with an average yield of 2.46 t/ha, exceeded the standard variety Slaviya by 0.35 t/ha. Plant height at the latitude of Krasnodar (45°) is 97–128 cm. The average duration of the vegetation period at a latitude of 45° is 119 days. The new soybean variety Yelisey is distinguished by its tallness and deep root system, which provides the plants with increased drought resistance. Increased cold and frost resistance down to minus 5 °C charac-terize plants of the variety Yelisey. These characteristics determine its potential attractiveness for cultivation in soy-producing farms of the North Caucasus, Lower Volga and Far East regions of the Russian Federation.

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