
Based on the structural and system analysis, the article considers the need for self-regulation for teachers, substantiates and provides statistics on the negative psychophysical states of educators, which they acquire as a result of professional activity. One hundred teachers were interviewed in order to define the mastering level of their self-regulation and the need to educate teachers in the theory and practice of these aspects. Based on the data obtained, it is obvious that educators need education on this issue, and the level of assimilation of this information and skills still needs to be better. The necessity of developming the motivational system of self-regulation mastering by teachers through the following components of this motivation is substantiated in the article: it can be made through a condition of psychophysical health; because of the culturological need of educators and because of the need not to expose others, in particular children, according to the negatives of their emotional deviations; due to the need for pedagogical competence, which has the competence of the psychological spectrum, which determines the professional status; because of the need for the teacher to be a proactive person. Since teachers are mostly motivated to learn self-regulation mainly because of health and the effectiveness of such motivation is limited, we conclude that there should be several motivational areas, where each specialist will find what he needs. The article analyzes and systematizes theoretical principles of self-regulation of mental states of the personality in order to bring this information in an adaptive form for teachers. In this context, the periodization is made considering the research on self-regulation by scientists from foreign and national physiological and psychological schools. The meaningful information of theoretical bases of regulation is structured and systematized. The necessity of a regular system of education on the theory and practice of self-regulation is substantiated and in this perspective the article gives the basics of such education. In our publication the authors offer the term, forms of work and its content. Conclusions are made on improving the awareness of educators of the practical acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities on the problem. Key words: self-regulation of personality mental states; motivation, mastery of self-regulation of mental states by the teacher; systematization of theoretical principles of self-regulation; basics of the teacher education project on self-regulation issues.

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