
This study is about Silla's Northern Territory based on the location of Mt. Taebaeksan in the north among the five mountains of Silla recorded in the Samguk Sagi (History of the Three Kingdoms). Currently, it is claimed that this Taebaeksan is Sobaeksan in Gyeongsang-do or Taebaeksan in Gangwon do. However, if you look at the records in 『Silla Bongi (新羅本紀)』 of the Samguk Sagi, you can confirm that the location of Silla is not Gyeongju in Gyeongsang-do. The northern border of Silla is adjacent to the land of Malgal, and it has been invaded from the north several times. and It is recorded that Silla climbed Mt. Taebaeksan and offered sacrifices. Also, among the types of Malgal, there was also Baeksan Malgal that lived in the Taebaeksan area. In other words, based on the contents of the records, Malgal and Silla were geographically adjacent to each other and shared Taebaeksan to the north and south. In other words, unless Malgal is within the Korean Peninsula, currently the concept of Silla centered in Gyeongju and Taebaeksan to the north cannot be established. Based on this, in order to find the northern region of Silla through the initial the location of Silla and Taebaeksan Mountain to the north, which was between Malgal and Silla, various documents, old maps, and relics were comprehensively cross-checked to found the location of Taebaeksan. Based on this, north border of Silla was studied again. As a result of the research, the location of the early Silla Dynasty was in the area of Jinzhou City(錦州市), Liaoning Province, and the relics related to it are the Lama-dong Historic Site(喇麻洞古墳群). In addition, research results showed that Mt. Taebaeksan in the northern border is Guangtoushan(光頭山) which has the same meaning as Mt. Baekdusan (白頭山) in Qilaotu Shan(七老圖山) in Pingquan(平泉縣), Chengde City, Hebei Province. Jangyeong(長嶺) which is a mountain range on the border between Malgal and Silla, is Qilaotu Shan, and this was proven through the location of Nihe(泥河) which is the northern border of Silla in that area. And as Balhae prospered during the subsequent Southern and Northern Kingdom periods, Silla moved east, and the eastern part of Amyeon-hyeon(巖 淵縣), Haeju(海州) and Mt. Gyeryongsan(雞龍山) became the western border of Silla. In addition, due to the fall of Balhae, Goguryeo, Jurchen, and Balhae people moved to the western area of the Liaohe River in large numbers and settled there. At this time, Yiwulv Mountain(醫巫閭山) in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, located between the Dalinghe River and the Liaohe River was recognized again as Mt. Taebaeksan. Only then the concept of the five mountains of Silla which consisting of Mt. Gyeryongsan in the west and Mt. Taebaeksan in the north was created.

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