
As the second summit between United States and North Korea in Hanoi ended without any significant results on February 2019, the negotiating process to resolve the nuclear issue has come to a deadlock. In this situation, Russia and China continue to cooper-ate with each other regarding the policy toward North Korea and at the same time maintain bilateral relations with the DPRK. Russia and China have consolidated their strategic partnership in solving North Korean nuclear issue, opposing not only harsh sanctions, imposed by the UN Security Coun-cil on DPRK, but also against the denuclearization decision proposed by the United States, putting forward an alternative method. It is widely believed, not only in the Republic of Korea, but also in the international community, that Russia and China have the same, or at least a similar position on the North Korean nuclear issue. The article discusses the shared views of both states in the aspect of co-inciding interests and political orientation. The au-thor has made an attempt to analyze and summarize the policies and strategies, which the two countries adhere to.

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