
Right-wing political parties have been significant actors in the political process in many European countries for the last two decades now. Their influence on the party-political landscape of Europe, including the electoral one, is explained by the fact that in the face of the challenges of globalization, many of these parties were able to qualitatively transform their discourse, involving the actualities of our time, adapting them to their own ideological platform. However, there are several facts that distinguish the British case of right-wing radicalism from the continental European one. The author studies the features of the discourse of the right-wing radicals of the Britain using the example of one of the officially registered right-wing parties – «For Britain» - and identifies the main elements of the discourse of this party in the context of globalization, immigration flows, the application of ideas of political correctness to practice. Despite the party leadership's decision in the summer of 2022 to terminate its existence, its ideas do not cease to influence large number of Britons. Finally, the author identifies, the main categories of nationalist discourse, and analyzes how they are instrumentally used by the "For Britain" party in constructing its ideology.

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