
1.A study to determine the effectiveness of the drug Aziflumin. “Aziflumin” is part of the Macrolide group and contains the active substance azithromycin in dihydrate form (100 mg in 1 ml). The drug was carried out on black-and-white calves with cryptosporidiosis, from 3 days to 1 month of age. After the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis was confirmed in calves with signs of diarrhea, dehydration and cachexia, the animals were split into 3 groups of 10.The drug Aziflumin'' was injected intramuscularly, once a day, at a dose of 1 ml per 20 kg of body weight to animals in group No. 1 for 5 days and to calves in group No. 2 for 7. The third group received symptomatic treatment. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the drug was carried out on days 7, 14 and 21 from the beginning of treatment.To identify the possible side effects Aziflumin could have on calves under 2 months of age going through a treatment of this kind, we analyzed the results of the clinical and biochemical blood tests of groups No. 1 and No. 2. It was found that the drug Aziflumin has a therapeutic effect for cryptosporidiosis in calves, which is most pronounced after a 7-day course of therapy. A 5 day course is less effective, because on the 21st day from the start of the treatment with Aziflumin, cryptosporidium oocysts were found in the feces of 2 calves from group No. 1. In animals receiving the drug for 7 days, no oocysts of the genus cryptosporidium were found on day 21. The use of the drug contributed to the functional stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract and did not cause any allergic or toxic reaction, and the calves experienced no other side effects, which was confirmed by monitoring the condition of the animals and by the results of clinical and biochemical blood tests.

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