
The results of the analysis of the experience of military conflicts of recent decades show that modern wars are fundamentally different from the usual stereotypes of wars during the Second World War, the second half and the end of the 20th century – the beginning of the 21st century. They received not only a new essence and a new meaning, but also revealed new characteristic features of armed struggle, which include the focal and fast-moving nature of hostilities, the absence of protracted positional battles, the use of only long-range weapons, mainly air and space-based, an increase in the number of robotic military equipment and weapons, the growing role of navigation systems in solving the tasks of defeating and coordinating the actions of not only large operational groups of troops, but also small tactical formations. In the article, we examine how the change in the nature of armed struggle affects modern wars, in particular, in modern wars there is a certain evolution of its individual elements, the main of which is fire damage, which is due to the active development of means of reconnaissance, guidance and direct fire impact on objects in the enemy group. It deserves attention the origin of changes in priorities when choosing the objects of damage depending on the scale of the armed conflict, the chosen option for its solution and conduct, features of the composition and nature of the enemy's actions. The transition of military operations into air and space, a significant increase in the range of strike missile and aircraft, led to a significant spread of spatial indicators. Under modern conditions, the armed struggle acquires a multidimensional nature, in contrast to the wars of the past, in which the nature of the armed struggle was determined mainly by horizontal dimensions, and the vertical (aerial coordinate) was only auxiliary in nature. At the same time, along with the spread of the spatial scale of military operations, a significant feature of modern wars and armed conflicts is considered to be changes in the temporal indicators of armed conflict, which is determined by its high dynamism and rapidity due to the use of the latest types of weapons and military equipment.

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