
Keywords: Stomach cancer (Carcinoma ventriculi), early diagnosis, vortex magnetic field The presented data allow us to solve the main problems in the fight against stomach cancer. 1. Early diagnosis is very important in the stomach cancer timely treatment. Implementation of the early diagnosticsis relevant in the future of preserving the country’s population health. The use of prediction capabilities in the distribution of the population into risk groups with the allocation of a high risk group should be effective. The diagnosis quality depends on gastroscopy, exfoliative cytological or histological examination of gastrobiopsy material, determination of tumor markers (Cancer Embryonic Antigen, Specific Antigen-72-4). 2. Damaging factors action prevention on the gastric mucosa when using a magnetotherapy apparatus with a vortex component “Vitma-1”. Alternating vortex magnetic field, the proteolytic activity of gastric juice changes. It is possible to suppress the increased aggressiveness of the acid-peptic factor, which accompanies gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer; or to stimulate a pepsin activity increase in case of a decrease in the gastric juice proteolytic activity. 3. A significant role is assigned to a specific diet and the natural herbal remedies use in the risk group for the disease prevention.

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