
The article is devoted to metaphor: its definition, classification, and various approaches to its study. The author attempts to analyze metaphor outside the research field of rhetoric (which traditionally interprets it as a tool of efficient communication) and uses a linguo-cognitive approach to consider it. Within the framework of this approach, metaphor is equated with the cat- egory of thinking and is interpreted as a way of exploring the world and one of the most important cognitive mechanisms used by an individual in the process of his spiritual growth. Since the role of metaphor was completely re-estimated from the point of view of cognitive linguistics, metaphor was no longer considered as a factor inhibiting the formation of scientific knowledge. It was discovered as a unify- ing principle, a semantic potential, which eventually revealed in it the signs of anthropometry that, in turn, served as an impetus for the development of cognitive science. Re-estimation of the role and place of metaphor in the post-nonclassical epistemological field presupposes the evolution of its status: from a common linguistic technique to a meaning-making center, a bridge between being and knowing, subject and object, language and world, science and culture.

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