
In this article we describe our data on observations of birds of prey in Eastern-Kazakhstan Upland and Northern Balkhash Lake area collected mostly in 2013, May–June and September, and also in 2012, March and May. In total we have recorded 15 species of birds of prey: Steppe Eagle ( Aquila nipalensis ), Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), Imperial Eagle ( Aquila heliaca ), Booted Eagle ( Hieraaetus pennatus ), Short-Toed Eagle ( Circaetus gallicus ), Long-Legged Buzzard ( Buteo rufinus ), Black-Eared Kite ( Milvus migrans lineatus ), Pallid Harrier ( Circus macrourus ), Montagu’s Harrier ( Circus pygargus ), Western Marsh Harrier ( Circus aeruginosus ), Eurasian Sparrowhawk ( Accipiter nisus ), Saker Falcon ( Falco cherrug ), Steppe Merlin ( Falco columbarius pallidus ), Lesser and Common Kestrels ( Falco naumanni , F. tinnunculus ), and also 4 owl species: Eurasian Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo ), Short-Eared Owl ( Asio flammeus ), Little Owl ( Athene noctua ), and Scops Owl ( Otus scops ). Nesting peculiarities (data on nests' locations and breeding) are described for some species.

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