
European development policy promotes sustainable development and stability in developing countries, with the ultimate goal of eradicating extreme poverty. Development aid is one of the pillars of the EU's external action, along with foreign, se-curity and trade policy. The EU and its member states provide almost half of all global development aid. This makes the union a leading global donor that invests in peace and security around the world. European countries are also striving to make their development policies more coherent and effective in the face of growing problems caused by conflict and climate change. Policy coherence for development minimizes inconsistencies and builds synergies between different EU policies that can affect part-ner countries. Focusing on efficiency, striving for better development results through smarter and more focused investments. However, the environmental threats of modern economic globalization form a range of urgent tasks of scientific and practical nature for the formation of appropriate strategies to counter and eliminate such threats. Based on the objectives of the Europe 2020 and Europe 2030 strategies, which are pursued by all EU countries and its future members, including Ukraine, the is-sue of green economic growth as one of the main components of sustainable development remains relevant. The UNEP Green Economic Report shows that greening the economy not only does not slow down growth (as scientists and politicians have long argued), but is a new driver of economic growth, as well as a source of decent jobs and intellectualization. social development, etc. That is why the scientific problem of developing organizational and economic mechanisms and tools to support the green economic growth of individual countries, as well as their integration associations, is becoming one of the urgent tasks of eco-nomics, which led to the formulation of goals and objectives of the article.

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