
The article presents a corpus-based method developed to specify the cross-linguistic equivalence of words based on the analysis of their corpus profiles. The method was tested on the example of the names of emotional concepts (ECs) which form «an anger petal» of R. Plutchik’s wheel of emotions in its English, German and Ukrainian language versions. The first stage of the investigation involved the comparative analysis of definitions of the lexemes mostly used by translators to convey the English «anger petal» in German and Ukrainian. It allowed eliminating the cases of false equivalence. At the second stage the results of the previous one were verified by the use of language corpora data. For this purpose, language corpora data were involved to define the common and distinctive senses of 10 most relevant emotional proximates of each analysed EC as to their relevance and intensity indicators. These indicators are used as criteria of cross-cultural equivalence of anger-like ECs, so the results of proximate analysis formed quite an objective basis for featuring such cross-cultural equivalence of the compared concepts: Anglo-Saxon «annoyance» ↔ German «Ärger» ↔ Ukrainian «роздратування»; A-S. «anger» ↔ Germ. «Wut» ↔ Ukr. «гнів»; A-S. «rage» ↔ Germ. «Zorn» ↔ Ukr. «лють». Extrapolated on the language level, this analysis made it possible to detect current semantic shades of the names of these ECs that helped to define the more precise German and Ukrainian equivalents for the Anglo-Saxon lexemes annoyance, anger and rage. The development of the second stage of the method testified to the fact that forming profiles of words in language corpora and the comparative analysis of their frequency do not require translators’ special efforts, so this approach to specifying the equivalence of language units can be considered as a perspective one in translation studies.

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