
The article studies and systematizes the trends in the institutional development of territorial public self-government in the course of reforming the territorial foundations of local self-government in Russia, as well as the features of reflecting these trends in strategic planning documents adopted by state authorities and local governments. It is proved that the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation mainly establish a system of institutions that ensure the development and integration of territorial public self-government within the subject of the Russian Federation, the delimitation of powers in the field of development of territorial public self-government, measures of state support for territorial public self-government. Municipal programs for the development of TPS are more diverse both in content and in their legal form, namely, there are three approaches to building such programs: TPS development as part of the program for the development of civil society institutions as a whole; development programs with NGOs and TPS; development programs exclusively TPS. At the same time, the latest trend in the legal regulation of territorial public self-government is its recognition as a subject - a participant in the relations of strategic development of the municipality.

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