
This study provides important insights into German press culture during a crucial period of agenda-setting for today’s refugee and asylum crisis. It explores how German news coverage had an impact on asylum policy change and its implications for Korean asylum policy. Two terrible accidents, in November 2015 Paris terror attack and sexual assaults against the women on 2016 New Year’s Eve firework night in Cologne, which rapidly inflamed German domestic public opinion towards the refugees. Even before these accidents German press played a pivotal role in having bad effects on German’s perceptions of the refugees. German domestic politics were deeply influenced by press news coverage as well as German public opinions, whereupon far-right anti-immigrant party AfD won seats not only in general election but also in German federal election(Bundestagswahl). The end result is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was forced to compromise with Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on reforming asylum policy. There are two implications for Korea: one is in the long term perspective, reorganizing asylum law in order to provide the refugees various aids as well as preparing a comprehensive amylum policy and the other is improving the skeptical images of the asylums. To this end it is very important for Korean government to cooperate with the mass media.

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