
The toxic effects of drugs can affect the anterior segment of the eye, the lens and the poste­rior segment of the eye. Оphthalmoscopy is used аor intravital assessment of the condition of the posterior segment of the eye. Сharacteristic changes, that can be observed by ophthalmoscopy, appear most often after systemic or intraocular use of drugs. However, before interpreting pathological ophthalmoscopic signs in laboratory animals, normal variations in the fundus pattern should be known, since among animal species there is a significant diversity in the structure of the fundus (presence or absence of tapetum, pigmentation, and type of nutrition of the retina). Pathological data obtained during ophthalmoscopy, indicating the toxic effect of the drug, can be expressed in the form of exudative, inflammatory, degenerative and atrophic processes, expansion and tortuosity of the retinal vessels, discoloration of the tapetum, retinal detachment, hemorrhages in the fundus, vascular attenuation of the retina and hyperreflectivity tapetum. Ophthalmoscopic examination is the most important tool for diagnosing pathologies of the posterior segment of the eyes in laboratory animals participating in the study of the pharmacological safety of drugs. Ophthalmoscopy should be carried out by a highly qualified veterinary ophthalmologist at all stages of the preclinical study of the drug.

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