
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of the national cybersecurity system of the State of Kuwait. Based on the cybersecurity standards of the International Telecommunication Union (a specialized UN agency responsible for coordinating international efforts to develop the digital sector) the author reveals the main specific features of the formation of the Kuwaiti cyber system, and also determines the level of the country's participation in the development of the international digital security system. The author comes to the conclusion that the digital system of Kuwait is formed with imbalances, and many decisions are aimed at "selective" relief of digital threats. In addition, the author draws attention to the existence of contradictions in the Kuwaiti model of international cooperation on cybersecurity issues: on the one hand, the country advocates more active participation in international processes, and, on the other hand, does not actively participate in the work of key international platforms. In addition, the sharp anti-Israeli position of the country has a certain negative impact on the Kuwaiti model of digital protection. The author notes that Kuwait is currently aimed at harmonizing the national cyber system and developing a more effective approach to international cooperation. However, to make these efforts more effective, some aspects of the existing approach need to be revisited, such as developing a model for interacting with digital companies that do business with Israel.

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