
The purpose. To determine long-term average level of statistical parameters of productivity, homeostaticity and selection worth of samples of collection spring soft and hard wheat for use as new sources of economic-useful attributes in selection programs. Methods. Field, analytical, mathematical statistics with use of basic and special statistics and criteria. Results. Results of 10-years researches of collection of spring wheat gained from National center of genetic resources of plants of Ukraine (V. Yuriev Institute of plant industry of NAAS, Kharkiv), international selection centers CIMMYT and ICARDA are presented. Analysis of statistical parameters of productivity of collection samples of spring soft wheat from record plots in 1 m2 has shown that for years of researches it was on average at the level of 340,3 g/m2, spring hard wheat — 309,6 g/m2. Factor of variation of this index was at average statistical level and made accordingly 17,1 and 16,8%. The maximum productivity for years of researches was observed in 2014, the lowest level of productivity was fixed in stressful on weather environment 2011 and 2013. Assessment of homeostaticity showed that among collection samples of spring soft wheat high elasticity was characteristic to grades Turbo, Aletch (DEU), Alikat, Norwel (CAN), Prohresyvna (UKR), spring hard wheat — Asanhali, Boshan (KAZ), Yazi 13 (MEX). Index homeostaticity of these and other selected grades essentially exceeded the control. Digital values of complex index of selection worth of these grades also were high. Conclusions. On the basis of long-term (2007–2016) researches of collection spring soft and hard wheat, which annually cultivate in Myronivky institute of wheat of NAAS, statistical parameters of productivity of samples are specified. It was shown that the factor of variation on average did not exceed 20%. Collection samples were selected with high level of homeostaticity and selection worth, which can be used as sources of economic-useful attributes at creation of high-yielding varieties of spring wheat.

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