
The aim of this article is to characterize the system of textual and discursive categories of crossword as an enigmatic genre. The object of the study is magazines with Russian crossword puzzles, the subject matter is their textual and discursive categorical system. The basic method is contextual-interpretational analysis. The practical value of the research is to use its results in the critical discourse analysis and text theory, as well as in crossword-making. The finding of the research is that a crossword in real communication is a discourse, the mediator of which serves as a text, boasting the nature of hypertext, with a certain degree of coding, oriented on unraveling it and intended, as a rule, for intellectual training and entertainment. Crossword is characterized by its specific genre canons which are reflected in the realization of textual and discursive categories as the invariant signs representing the most essential conformities with the law of text organization and functioning in discourse. The integrity of crosswords realizes itself in the process of its complete unraveling by the addressee in accordance with the sender’s project. The discretity as the crossword’s category shows up in the separateness of the phases of the text generation and reception. The informative value of crossword is mediated by the existence of the text on the border of two minds, using the information for the text’s generation and unraveling. The anthropocentricity is represented by the sender’s program of addressability submitted to a certain number of hypothetical addressees. The genre of crossword presupposes interaction, conditioned by the intentions of intellectual training, entertainment, game, cognition of new information and orientation on the process of unraveling. Crossword is submerged in the intertext and brings about intersemiotic relations in culture. The diffuse continuum of this genre is provided by the free development of discourse and its orientation on the graphical coherence of the text.

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