
Jin Tielin is a well-known Chinese singer and teacher who has devoted more than 40 years to the study of singing art, national traditions and the experience of foreign countries. The milestones of Professor Jin Tielin's life and creative activity are briefly recreated, his students are presented and the master's works are characterized. His valuable ideas, experience, and constant search for optimal methods of teaching young singers enriched Chinese vocal art and formed the basis for the singing school founded by him. In this regard, the study of Jin Tielin's vocal training deserves in-depth study, as evidenced by the publications of Chinese musicians on this topic. At the same time, it is necessary to generalize Jin Tielin's methods, theory and practice, his systematic approach to education, the use of Chinese national traditions along with European ones that are widespread. The article introduces Jin Tielin, a singer, teacher, prominent musical and public figure who brought up a great number of famous singers. It emphasizes the importance of his lectures on vocal teaching methods, articles, textbooks and books. Analysing Jin Tielin's training system the author identifies and summarizes some of the most important principles and attitudes of the master. It is stressed that one of the main advantages of his singing school is the synthesis of national traditions and European vocal pedagogy.

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