
In the article the research of pedagogical conditions of formation of legal competence of students of economic specialties is conducted. The analysis of the curricula of institutions of higher education in the specialty 051 «Economics» (table) showed that educational disciplines of the legal direction, namely «Jurisprudence», «Commercial law», «Labor law» usually belong to the disciplines of free choice of the student. The problem of shaping the legal competence of future economists is that in the practice of higher education the traditional approach to teaching the disciplines of the legal cycle remains the most widespread, notwithstanding the recommendations of studies on the introduction of a competent approach in the scientific literature. In addition, based on the competency approach, future economists must master the knowledge of the mechanisms of legal regulation of the economic life of the country and the world, gain the ability to highlight the legal aspects of emerging industrial situations and determine their legitimacy from the point of view of the current legislation, develop the ability to analyze the legal situation from different positions; to develop the ability to see the legal consequences of their own decisions; Be prepared to use the mechanisms and means of legal solution of problems. Thus, the legal competence of specialists in economics, which is formed in the course of their professional training in higher education institutions, is a complex feature that includes not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the mastering of methods and experience gained necessary for a specialist within the framework of professional tasks. The analysis of pedagogical and legal literature, experience of practical activity of institutions of higher education shows that the problem of forming the legal competence of students of economic specialties is not fully understood and requires in-depth study. In addition, in the process of analysis, a number of problems were identified in the field of training specialists in economics, in particular, in the content of education and its quality in accordance with modern requirements: – the lack of clear algorithms for the formation of key competencies in the training of future economists; – inconsistency of the contents of the legal training of future economists with modern requirements for specialists, real needs of society and the state; – optional study of legal disciplines by students of economic specialties and, as a consequence, low level of legal knowledge of future specialists in economics; – the lack of quality textbooks, textbooks on the disciplines of the legal cycle, which correspond to the current state of functioning of the economy; – the lack of orientation of educational programs in legal disciplines for future economists on the development of creative abilities, the formation of a professional legal culture; – the lack of universalism in the formation of legal culture in the preparation of future economists.

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