
Introduction. The author analyzes the problems and prospects of studying the phenomenon of childhood, justifies the specific features and advantages of philosophical approaches, makes an attempt to explicate the optimal methods and strategies of scientific inquiry, correlating with epistemological, ontological, axiological goals and assumptions of the modern paradigm, within which this phenomenon is problematized and reflexively comprehended. The purpose of the work is to identify the specific features of studying the phenomenon of childhood in the context of the philosophical approach. Methods. The author makes use of general scientific research methods such as analysis and synthesis, serving as philosophical tools. Theoretical reconstruction and comparative analysis, as well as the hermeneutic method of reading texts were used to reveal the peculiarities of studying the phenomenon of childhood, its problems and prospects. Scientific novelty of the study. The study highlights the specific features of studying the phenomenon of childhood; the advantages of philosophical methods and approaches focused on understanding and describing the object under study, creating an integrative idea about it; the author determines development prospects associated with eliminating asymmetric methods of interaction in scientific discourse, and forming interdisciplinary ties. Results. During the research, the author identifies the current problems of studying the phenomenon of childhood philosophically, as well as the prospects for their solution related to the need to form an integrative idea of childhood in the context of interdisciplinary synthesis, using philosophical methods and approaches which make it possible to integrate children’s experience into research discourse, without going beyond the framework of scientific strategies. Conclusions. The philosophical study of the phenomenon of childhood covers a wide range of problems, the solution of which involves searching for answers related, first, to the epistemological and methodological aspects of learning childhood experience; secondly, with ontological, existential and axiological contexts of research. Strategies of philosophical research are aimed at systemic learning the phenomenon of childhood, at tracing the relations between methods, epistemological, ontological, axiological and other assumptions on which cognition is based, and the formation of conceptual ideas about childhood, participating in the constitution of the “adult – child” relations, educational practices in society and culture.

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