
It is important to take into account not only existing trends, analyzing development of architecture, but also to predict the probable ones. They may occur in the medium term, around 2050. Energy and information are two key areas that determine all other aspects of human life. The most important task of the energy sector is to provide clean energy in amounts not less than the current ones in the future. The only one possible source of clean energy that will provide all current needs for a million years is fusion. Quantum computer is considered a “Holy Grail” of IT sector. This computer speed exceeds the current PCs by millions of times, which opens unprecedented opportunities in all areas and allows the transition to new technological systems. New threats and challenges will arise in addition to new opportunities. It is very likely that, the concept of sustainable development and the recovery economy may not dominate after 2050. This change will mark a new stage in the development of architecture in the 22nd century. The most obvious changes will be the creation and use of new materials with programmable properties, the creation of architectural objects in inaccessible regions of the planet, the radical improvement of digital models of projected objects. Structural and engineering constraints will be much less, or virtually absent, for simple objects. Рractically unlimited power of computers will change most aspects of design, and the visual component of projects will be more like 5D movies than realistic visualizations today. Threats and challenges created by projected changes aren’t less impotent. Probably, architecture, like many other areas of human life, may be absorbed or subordinated to the IT branch. Forms of human existence and can be the most serious challenge of virtualization of social life. Dominance of the virtual over the reality may raise questions about sense of human nature at all. Artificial intelligence can be main creator of architecture. Role and place of architecture in society life will not the top ten in importance. It is also possible an architecture, separation on “new” and “old”, “human” and “computer” or by other dividing lines. Another challenge is the possibility of converging or even merging with design and cinema. Other tendencies of architecture development are also probable – multiplicity of design, internal structural ordering of architecture, new renaissance (revival) of architecture, higher degree of invasion of privacy when customer is a human person.

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