
Our country has the highest divorce rate in the world, disgracefully. Recently, the payment of installment pensions, which receive half of the pension amount, has continued to increase for public pensions. The split pension system has been implemented in the national pension system since 1999, and the special occupational pension system has been implemented in 2016. Currently, the divided pension is taxed in half. However, this taxation system is not only less taxable than the existing taxation system, but may also have intentional tax evasion.
 A split pension can be seen as a type of property division. Currently, there is a taxable issue in the divided pension paid according to the marriage period and the period of office for the divided pension right. In this study, we would like to examine the split pension system in which payments are increasing as the divorce rate of the elderly increases rapidly, and to find problems with the taxation system and ways to improve it. The split pension is distributed by the principal beneficiary according to the marriage period and received by the principal beneficiary and the divorced spouse, and a somewhat small tax burden is incurred because they are received separately than the amount paid by the principal beneficiary. For this reason, even while maintaining a marriage, there is a possibility that the split pension may be abused by the method of disguised divorce for the purpose of reducing the tax burden. In light of this situation, this study attempted to raise the need to improve the tax system of the divided pension paid by the public pension and establish a tax plan for the pension tax system in line with the characteristics of the divided pension system. The taxation plan proposed in this study not only minimizes problems arising from the implementation of the public pension split pension system, but also aims to establish a reasonable taxation plan for the split pension system in accordance with the pension income taxation system. Policy alternatives in this study are expected to help tax authorities or related ministries establish policy alternatives in the future.

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