
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how effects creatine dosage has on the improvement of rowing athletes' performance ability. Rowing athletes were administered with creatine, through which to examine the change of athletic performance ability, blood fatigue substances, and muscular activity. The subjects (participants) of this Study consisted of 12 male rowing athletes at P University, with at least 5 years of rowing experiences, which divided into two groups - creatine dosing group of 6 persons and control group of 6 persons - for random sampling measurement. Enzymatic-colorimetric method using lacrate oxidase and 4-aminoantipyrine was performed for blood lactate level analysis, and wireless EMG system (QEMG-4: Lxtha Korea) for muscular activity analysis, with 4 channels set for data analysis. As body parts to be measured, two muscular parts - latissimus dorsi and lumbar spinel - were chosen. Then, on the 5th day from the date of administering them with creatine (that is, 4 days after dosing them with creatine), rowing movement with the highest level of activity was calculated as peak value, which was measured twice. The test data used for this Study were SPSS/PC 18.0, pre-movement and post-movement two-way ANOVA for repeated measurement for comparative analysis of each muscle, with significant level at .05. As a result, the change of blood lactate level was significantly higher in creatine dosing group than in non-dosing group (p<.05). As for the change of muscular activity, both latissimus dorsi and lumbar spinel showed a significantly higher change of muscle in creatine dosing group than in non-dosing group (p<.05 and p<.05, respectively) Key words : Rowing, Creatine, Musculus erector spinae, Surface muscle activity, Blood LactateCorresponding author : 010-4544-9957, jjg199@hanmail.net

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