
The article is about studying the new forms for patriotic education of schoolchildren in connection with the challenges of the launched special military operation (SVO) in Russia. The author shows that patriotic work is a traditional part of educational work in schools, however, it has changed in the current context. The first innovation was the performance of the Russian anthem and the raising of the flag, as well as the holding of “Conversations about the Important” in the classroom format. Work has begun on the preparation for publication of a new history textbook, which will include topics related to the current situation in the world. Another innovation at the school will be the inclusion of basic military training in the program of the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (OBZh). The article presents the monitoring data of the Public Opinion Foundation FOM, which studied the attitude of Russians to new trends in school. Based on the analysis of the media, the author shows the attitude of Moscow teachers to the lesson “Talk about the Important” and the spread of patriotism practices among schoolchildren near Moscow. She concludes by stating that Russian teachers have a new mission – the education of effective patriotism among schoolchildren, but at the same time, physical and emotional stress has increased while all that for the same wages, which can reduce the attractiveness of the profession in the eyes of Russians.

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