
We obtain exact order-of-magnitude estimates of piecewise smooth functions approximation by trigonometric Fourier sums. It is shown that in continuity points Fourier series of piecewise Lipschitz function converges with rate $\ln n/n$. If function $f$ has a piecewise absolutely continuous derivative then it is proven that in continuity points decay order of Fourier series remainder $R_n(f,x)$ for such function is equal to $1/n$. We also obtain exact order-of-magnitude estimates for $q$-times differentiable functions with piecewise smooth $q$-th derivative. In particular, if $f^{(q)}(x)$ is piecewise Lipschitz then $|R_n(f,x)| \le c(x)\frac{\ln n}{n^{q+1}}$ in continuity points of $f^{(q)}(x)$ and $\sup_{x \in [0,2\pi]}|R_n(f,x)| \le \frac{c}{n^q}$. In case when $f^{(q)}(x)$ has piecewise absolutely continuous derivative it is shown that $|R_n(f,x)| \le \frac{c(x)}{n^{q+1}}$ in continuity points of $f^{(q)}(x)$. As a consequence of the last result convergence rate estimate of Fourier series to continuous piecewise linear functions is obtained.

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