
The problem of getting pigs with high potential of development is still relevant. It is particularly acute in small and medium-sized farms, where feeding is often insufficient and inadequate, with high concentration of derived peroxidic oxides of lipids, decreased antioxidant activity, abiotic conditions of animal keeping. The main reason of this pathology is the lack of antenatal development, causing malnutrition and hypoxia in fetus and later in newborn piglets. Often hypothermia is developed in these newborn piglets. The determination of clinical condition in newborn piglets is the subject of many researches. We have created a computer program for evaluation of clinical condition and potential of newborn piglets development. However, the practice requires modern, simple methods of diagnostics with innovative technologies to use. The objectives of this research were to develop and implement a method of a remote projective determination of clinical condition and weight of newborn piglets as well as diagnostics of antenatal pathologies such as malnutrition, hypothermia and hypoxia. The first experimental group included sows without physiological pregnancy and farrowing disorders and piglets, that had no clinical signs of malnutrition and hypothermia at birth. The feeding was balanced. The diet of the second experimental group had deficiency of protein and carotene. These animals were diagnosed with placental insufficiency, dystocia birth and placenta delay. Piglets had symptoms of hypotrophy. The measurements by thermovision camera are conducted from the distance of 3 meters, temperature range between +20 and +50 C. The range of colors is blue- red with medium contrast. The thermovisional diagnostics allows to determine overall body temperature, to diagnose hypothermia as well as completeness of thermoregulation development in piglets. While reading the thermographic images it is evaluated the proportion of warm and cold colors, that allows to objectively asses the level of blood supply in certain parts of the newborn body. Thermographic images can be captured and used for more detailed study. Analysis of thermographic images allows to determine hypothermia and malnutrition in piglets in the early stages of postnatal period as well as to diagnose several diseases connected with local hypothermia. Implementation of this method can significantly reduce the use of human and economic resources in the diagnostics of postnatal pathologies, to adjust housing conditions for newborns and predict further development of piglets.


  • The problem of getting pigs with high potential of development is still relevant

  • The main reason of this pathology is the lack of antenatal development, causing malnutrition and hypoxia in fetus and later in newborn piglets

  • Often hypothermia is developed in these newborn piglets

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Article info

The objectives of this research were to develop and implement a method of a remote projective determination of clinical condition and weight of newborn piglets as well as diagnostics of antenatal pathologies such as malnutrition, hypothermia and hypoxia. Analysis of thermographic images allows to determine hypothermia and malnutrition in piglets in the early stages of postnatal period as well as to diagnose several diseases connected with local hypothermia. Implementation of this method can significantly reduce the use of human and economic resources in the diagnostics of postnatal pathologies, to adjust housing conditions for newborns and predict further development of piglets

Использование современных информационных технологий в воспроизводстве свиней
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