
The relevance of studying political consciousness and behavior is determined by the contradictions of sociopolitical processes in society. Political con-sciousness as a reflection of social groups’ attitude to the sociopolitical structure and development of the country, various political institutions in sociolo-gy has been studied quite widely. However, the au-thor notes that the political consciousness and be-havior of women has extremely rarely been the sub-ject of independent analysis. The purpose is to study and describe the types of political conscious-ness and behavior of women in modern Russia. A comparative analysis of age, education, settlement, socio-professional, reproductive characteristics in-fluence on women's political consciousness is car-ried out based on empirical data from the World Val-ues Survey (WVS). Using correlation analysis, the author identifies four analytically constructed types of political consciousness and behavior of women: efficient, activist, massificated, absentee types. In conclusion, it is shown that the political conscious-ness and behavior of women is an independent sub-ject of sociological analysis.

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