
The media industry includes publishing, television, radio, advertising, some segments of information activities (web portals, websites) and video game development. Informatization, globalization, integration processes provide dynamic development of media enterprises, change the organization of work. Demand for staff is growing. The study of personnel management problems in the media industry has intensified with the development of media management. However, in the considered researches there are no researches of the media industry as a participant of the labor market in Ukraine; it is necessary to identify current problems of personnel management and criteria for selecting effective personnel technologies. Problems of personnel management have become more acute in the context of the global pandemic and the widespread introduction of telework. The formation of approaches to working with staff is influenced not only by the global situation, but also by the state of the internal media market. Therefore, the study of personnel management problems should take into account local characteristics. The state and indicators of activity of the media industry of Ukraine by types of economic activity are considered. An imbalance in the development of various segments of the industry, a significant lag behind the overall economic indicators. The features of media companies that influence personnel management are identified. Among them, the features of the editorial process, the use of communication and digital technologies, the size of media companies. The key problems faced by the media manager of the media company – planning, recruitment, motivation and formation of corporate culture. The characteristics of the domestic labor market, as well as its industry segment are given. Problems of the organization of work of the personnel in the conditions of a pandemic are defined; in particular, the remote form of work and changes in traditional ways of organizing work are considered. The criteria for selection and use of personnel technologies in the management practice are determined. Prospects for further research on personnel management of media companies have been established.

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