
The article discusses the complicated theme of the localization of peoples and tribes in the northern Black Sea region at the turn of epochs. The authors use the method of interpretation of ancient authors’ information while comparing it with broad archeological data. The research allows to successfully localize particular peoples and numerous tribes of the given time on the ethnic map of the region. The research shows that most tribes and peoples left a bright trace in ethnic history of the northern Black Sea region. However, not all ethnic groups dwelling there at that time found their place in the region’s geographical space. Some localizations still belong to scientific uncertainties. This confirms the relevance of the research. In addition to a thorough analysis of the ancient written tradition, the authors also involve archaeological material to prove the location of the tribes. Thanks to this comprehensive study, it has been established that after the few recorded Sarmatian burials of the II–I centuries BC in the areas between the Dnieper and the Don and in the north-western Black Sea coast, the number of Sarmatian monuments of the second half of the first century B.C – early first century AD to the west of the Dniester increases sharply. Several barrow burial mounds of the Zubo-Vozdvizhensky group of Sarmatian monuments appeared on the left bank of the Kuban River in the second half of the first century BC, which differ in some respects from the Central Sarmatian complexes of the Kuban area. The tombs have pronounced Central Asian cultural elements. In this respect the authors pay special attention to the decay of Southern Ural steppes at the turn of the our era due to aridisation and shift of the center of Middle Sarmatian culture towards the Lower Don. Thus, the study confirms the enormous role of migrations from the depths of Asia in the formation of the Middle Sarmatian culture and in the emergence of many innovations in the Sarmatian culture of the first century AD.

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