
Centering around discourse and the text of “Yobo (ヨボ)” and (アイゴ 哀?)”, this paper analyzes that the differences between physically close Japanese colonists and the colonized is standardized and maintained as cultural racism. It was discussed that this Language System plays a role in the mechanism that forges “Differences” and “Superiority” of oneself and others by Japan. The pro-Japanese Korean writer, Hyeonryong, appears in Pegasus of Kim Saryang which shows his views on national identity and culture. The structure of “contempt” and “others” to the “discriminated” Korean maintained and re-produced verbal communication of the imperial Japan through the derogatory term of Yobo.Colonial writer, Kim Saryang became the subject to use Japanese, the colonial langauage, and can write only Japanese novels to Japanese people to express the awareness of the issues of “Yobo” is ironical. The discrimination and the most fundamental problem in the language system is hidden in such irony. Usuda Jan'un attempted to lock in the ethnicity immobilization of the negative image that not visible by using the old fuddy-duddy (Yobo) in order to support the Japanese imagined superiority, so he created, displayed, and diffused a cultural boundary of the colony and the colony.The words Yobo and Aigo represent a of the others, they Koreans as a negative binomial confrontational value different from we Japanese. In other words, the symbol of Yobo and Aigo as a cross-cultural colonial Korea may be assumed to be representative practice act of differentially settling in a language that the colonized Korean, the object of the “symbol”, is different from “we, Japanese” in the people using Japanese language system used in the “symbol”.

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