
This paper presents an investigation into Yi Sun-shin(李舜臣)’s management of his military commands based on the records of his Nanjungilgi(亂中日記). The records of Nanjungilgi show that he enforced 134 military commands and executed a penalty on 10.9 days. It is, however, estimated that he gave a military command more frequently than this.<BR> Yi Sun-shin usually enforced his military commands in the process of preparing for a battle. There were no cases in which he enforced on in the middle of a battle. He had his commanders punish lower-rank officers and Seoris(胥吏) and was careful to recommend punishment for government officials through reporting. His application of military commands was strict to the army raised in the cause of justice and civilians as well as his soldiers.<BR> Of his military commands, 12 ordered capital punishment, and six ordered decapitation and beheading and hanging the head each. All the objects of decapitation were Japanese soldiers that surrendered in Joseon, and it was executed also by Japanese soldiers that surrendered in Joseon. Beheading and hanging the head was applied to desertion, refusal of recruitment, provision of false information, and rape of noble ladies. Admiral Yi imposed whipping most frequently. Specifically, he ordered whipping for misdemeanor 13 times, janghyeong(杖刑) for serious offenses 10 times, and unclear punishment 14 times. whipping and janghyung were different punishments from generally known gonjang(棍杖). In addition, it is highly likely that lashing and flogging were applied to Gyeoljoi(決罪), Nonjoi(論罪) and Haenghyeong(行刑).<BR> Yi interrogated and detained criminals, possibly performing Jokjang(足掌) in the interrogation process. He executed Jajahyeong (刺字刑) only once according to the rules of『Gyeonggukdaejeon(經國大典)』, which shows that his enforcement of military commands was based on certain principles.<BR> Yi was forced to manage his military commands strictly to maximize fighting power in a wartime situation. A huge number of soldiers in the army raised in the cause of justice and refugees flocked to his naval bases, which indicates that his military commands were executed according to certain principles.

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