
Incompleteness of the project “modern” stated by a number of cultural researchers (Y. Habermas, A. Gehlen) makes it problematic to determine the coordinates of the current stage of cultural and historical development. According to the author, this suggests the relevance of postmodern criticism, and hence a new interpretation of the mechanisms of inversion and mediation (in the light of the critically revised concept of Akhiezer), which have undergone significant changes in recent years. The author sets himself the task of identifying the axiological foundations of modern (on the example of its ascending stage of premodern), comparing them with the traditions of the classical era (in the interpretation of Aristotle). At the same time, the author methodologically relies on the non-dual perspective of the vision of the history of culture of J. Vico, and the “new ontology” by M. Merleau-Ponty. The author comes to the conclusion that the search for new axiological perspectives involves a dialogue with the past, which was interrupted in the period of modernity with its hypermediation, in which the mediator is the technique.

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