
The relevance of the stated issues is due to the fact that at the present stage, traditional forms of education are no longer enough to provide quality services in the field of education. Today's realities dictate the need for interaction of educational institutions not only among themselves, but also with other subjects of the external environment, including employers, social institutions, public authorities, etc. This article examines such issues as types of interaction, levels of interaction, key problems, structural elements, subject composition, etc. The author pays special attention to the organization of network interaction of educational institutions, which is understood as a stable system of connections that allow developing, testing and offering innovative models of educational content and management of the educational system to the professional pedagogical community. It is important that network interaction is characterized by some features, among which the principle of openness, the formation of horizontal links, etc. deserves special attention. This has a positive effect on the quality of training and provides a range of opportunities for all participants in the interaction.

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