
The article is devoted to the study of integration processes, as they are carried out between enterprises of various expansions. A highly efficient economy is optimal for the operation of large, medium and small enterprises. This clause describes the main types of state support of small business to ensure their sustainable development and subsequent operation. Also disclosed in detail the main principles of policy in the sphere of small and medium business in Ukraine. The development of a small business is an indicator of the development of market assets, the assessment of private authority, independence and the capacity of the subjects of government. Small business is a special sector of the economy playing an important social and economic role. The advantages and shortcomings of outsourcing, subcontracting and problems of their promotion in Ukrainian enterprises are examined. It has been established that at the current stage of economic development, small businesses will require direct and indirect approaches. The formation of mutually integrating links between small and great business can not be brought to the advancement of the efficiency of their activities. Analysis of the development of the outsourcing and subcontracting system revealed a low level of their development. The main reason for their low distribution is the lack of necessary information about partnership, the underdevelopment of the market infrastructure, which contributes to the formation and development of integration ties between enterprises of different sizes. For the effective development of small entrepreneurship in the region, where there is a considerable number of both large and small enterprises, it is necessary to create an enterprise – a partnership center. For the formation and development of integration links in enterprises of various sizes, there is a need in the creation of infrastructure facilities. Subjects of small business are in need of informational and illuminating servants. The creation of an infrastructure for the development of a system of outsourcing and subcontracting in Ukraine is a progressive direct development of a small business. The development of subcontracting businesses in Ukraine is the basis for the development of industrial production, with a small number of enterprises to realize their potential in the service department of technological lines of great industrial enterprises.

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