
The article examines the main cross-border grant programs in which Ukraine can participate in order to implement joint programs. These are grant instruments for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of the executive power and local self-government, and the public sector. The main possibilities of using grants of cross-border programs for the government, community and entrepreneurship of Ukraine are outlined. The main and largest cross-border programs are described: "Poland-Ukraine", "Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine", "Romania – Ukraine", the Black Sea Basin Program, the Danube Region Program 2021-2027. The prospects of using grant instruments within each program are demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on their priorities and areas of support for projects of authorities, local self-government, representatives of business and the public sector. The main goals and tasks of each program are highlighted, with the areas of support in Ukraine highlighted. The sluggish process of participation of potential grant recipients in cross-border grant programs was analyzed. The reasons for the non-active use of grant, irrevocable, targeted assistance from these programs were emphasized, including: low awareness of representatives of the executive power, local self-government bodies, the public and business about the grant opportunities of cross-border programs; lack of the required number of specialists who are able to prepare competitive grant proposals; participation in the vast majority of cross-border grant programs requires the partnership of an organization from at least two neighboring states. It is concluded that the involvement and use of grant tools of cross-border programs by representatives of business, civil society organizations, executive power and local self-government bodies is an important, and often the only source of financing necessary projects. Ukraine's active participation in cross-border programs determines the establishment and deepening of economic, social, scientific and technical, ecological, cultural and other relations with the border states. Overcoming barriers and obstacles is possible under the condition of broad informational support from representatives of programs in Ukraine, contact points, authorities and mass media.

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