
The article substantiates the expediency of addressing the study of upbringing of the younger generation in the conditions of primitive-communal relations. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the features character-izing the upbringing of children at the stage of the primeval society are generalized and revealed, which forms the novelty of the conducted study. The life path of a child from birth to the period of adulthood is shown. It re-veals the role of preparation for the initiation rite as a prototype of schooling and a prerequisite for the institu-tionalization of education. The high efficiency of upbringing in the conditions of primitive society as a conse-quence of coincidence of goals of adults and children is substantiated. Changes in the nature and content of education at the stage of decomposition of primitive communal relations are outlined. Innovations in prepara-tion and carrying out of initiation rites are presented. The role of social differentiation in the discrepancy of goals and tasks of children and adults is shown, which led to a decrease in the effectiveness of upbringing and the spread of physical punishment as evidence of the helplessness of adults to achieve their goals by other means. Drawing on the analysis of the experience of children's upbringing in primitive society, a number of practice-oriented “history lessons” are formulated for addressing the issues of upbringing of the younger gen-eration in modern conditions.

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