
Introduction: The European Union is ethnically diverse and this factor can both positively and negatively influence the processes of regulation of interethnic relations. The European experience shows that it is impossible to avoid the emergence of inter-ethnic tension, the manifestation of xenophobia or discrimination, but they can be effectively combated. The main purpose of the work is to systematize the result obtained and, on its basis, to reveal the structure of the system of sources of legal regulation of interethnic relations in the European Union. Methods: the methodological framework for the study is the methods of historical and system analysis. Results: the analysis of the current legislation of the European Union revealed positive practices and gaps in the regulation of interethnic relations. Thus, despite the common European legal framework, the EU countries have not reached agreements on the development of common strategies for national and migration policies. Conclusions: In matters of regulating interethnic relations, the European Union fully relies on the standards developed by the Council of Europe, and this is natural, since the development of common approaches to the establishment of common European values is more typical for the European community. The legal experience of the European Union, taking into account interaction with the Council of Europe, creates additional opportunities for sustainable development in this area.

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