
The article discusses a new approach to assessing occupational risk by chemical factor, including a preliminary qualitative analysis of substances in two groups: carcinogens and non-carcinogens. An example of classification of substances according to the characteristics of the impact on the organs and systems of an employee is given using the example of an oil refinery, the mathematical apparatus for calculating non-carcinogenic risks from substances that affect the respiratory organs. The construction is described related to the fuzzy model with two input parameters (chemicals and suspended substances) and the output parameters. Modeling includes 4 stages: phasification; building a base of fuzzy production rules; composition using aggregation methods; dephasification. A variant of phasification of three selected parameters of personnel health risk assessment is proposed: «low», «medium», «high». In an interactive mode, the development and visualization of a fuzzy inference system for the problem being solved was carried out using graphical tools of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox extension package for the MATLAB computer mathematics environment. Visual dependences of the output parameter on the influence of harmful non-carcinogenic substances were obtained: fuzzy output table, 3D fuzzy output surface. The proposed model can be built into the existing methodology for assessing the occupational risk of an enterprise, adapted to carcinogenic substances, or supplemented with other input parameters characterizing working conditions.

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