
The use of experimental research planning methods has shown that to obtain a multifactor model of lifting an explosive object by a sapper diver from a depth that will take into account both the impact, in case nonlinear, selected parameters and the effects of interaction between them, it is advisable to conduct a multifactorial experiment 3x3x2. Statistical indicators of the time of lifting an explosive object in accordance with such a plan can be obtained using the method of direct expert assessments. As a result, a multifactor model of lifting an explosive object by divers in the form of a three-factor square polynomial was obtained, the coefficients of which establish a quantitative relationship between the level of training of personnel, external conditions in which he works and lifeguards. Field experiments confirmed the reliability of the developed mathematical model with a significance level of α = 0,05. It is shown that when de-veloping operational and technical recommendations, divers need to take into account both the type of diving suit and the effects of the interaction between the level of training of personnel and the conditions in which they work. At the same time, it is possible to ignore the effects of the interaction of the conditions of lifting an explosive object with the suit in which the sapper divers work, as well as the quadratic effect of using a dry or wet suit. It should be expected that in the case of lifting an explosive device, the level of preparedness will be more pronounced in divers-sappers with a primary level, as well as the fact that for them to reduce the effectiveness of underwater demining will be affected by poor external working conditions. During further research, increased attention should be paid to the preparation of diver sappers to work in difficult conditions and to the planning of operational activities of a specialized pyrotechnic unit, as well as the use of the latest technical means of underwater demining.

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