
Relevance. In modern conditions, the innovative development of the region is largely determined by the environment that promotes the activation of innovative activities of regional stakeholders. The formation of an innovative environment becomes an important task due to the objective process of transition from an economy based on production factors to an economy based on knowledge. Moreover, socio-economic factors (the quality of the infrastructure environment, the state of the economy and the innovation system) affect innovative development to a greater extent than scientific and technological progress. The economic behavior of a society is formed on the basis of established behavioral attitudes and moral values as a socio-cultural vector of its development. In this regard, there is an objective need to study the formation of the innovative environment of the region from the standpoint of the socio-cultural approach. The purpose of the study is to provide a theoretical justification for the use of the socio-cultural approach in the study of the problem of the formation of the innovation environment in the region, as well as to analyze the socio-cultural factors in terms of their impact on the innovation activity of regional stakeholders. The objectives of the research are to study the theoretical foundations and methodological aspects that reveal the issues of the formation of the innovation environment of the region, as well as to justify the use of a socio-cultural approach to study the interaction of stakeholders of the innovation process and their attitude to innovation. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods of cognition, statistical methods, as well as the principles and methods of the systematic approach. The information component of the study includes data from Russian state statistics, reference data from domestic and foreign scientific literature, materials of scientific and practical conferences, scientific journals and the Internet environment. Results. As a result of the study, it is established that the innovative development of the region involves the improvement of the system of social reproduction on the basis of the introduction of technological, institutional and social innovations. The modern paradigm of regional development is based on a set of approaches, among which, according to the authors, the socio-cultural approach is becoming relevant, involving the study and assessment of such factors as the socio-cultural profile of the region, the attitude of the population to new technologies and to technological entrepreneurship. In the course of the study, the main principles of the formation of the innovation environment of the region are formulated, taking into account the concept of «smart specialization» and the model of "four-link spiral of innovation". Conclusions. The innovation environment of the region is a source that creates "windows of opportunity" for stakeholders of the innovation process, and causes stagnation of regional innovation activity. The perception of innovations by all participants of the innovation process, determined by individual characteristics and group socio-economic characteristics, is a factor of openness to new technological achievements. This fact should be taken into account in the innovation policy of the region with an emphasis on the formation of an innovative environment that ensures the innovative activity of stakeholders.

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