
The aim of the research is to study the feasibility and effectiveness of partner medicine programs conducted in full-time and part-time mode in rehabilitation of children with cancer. Materials and methods of research: the article presents a program of physical rehabilitation of children treated for oncological diseases (OD), developed at the Russkoe Pole Medical and Rehabilitation Scientific Center, based on the personal approach and partnerships between the child's family and specialists. The personal approach is based on data of instrumental examination of the actual physical condition of the child and the predicted risks of late toxic complications: somatometry, assessment of energy costs and exercise tolerance, Biomechanical examination of the locomotor apparatus, functional diagnostics of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Based on the results, a personal physical rehabilitation program was developed. The process of physical rehabilitation was carried out in a cyclic mode: a hospital period for examination, development of a personal program and implementation training (2 weeks), an inter-hospital period of independent studies with remote support of a doctor and exercise therapy methodologists (from 6 to 12 months). The effectiveness of the developed model was assessed according to three criteria: satisfaction of parents with participation in the program (questionnaire), adherence to recommended physical activity (questionnaire), and assessment of basic mobility (Terrenkur test). The rehabilitation protocol was tested in 135 children aged 6–18 years with hemoblastosis, brain tumors, solid tumors, malignant tumors of bones and skeletal muscles: 61 boys (45,2%) and 74 girls (54,8%). The average age of the participants was 12,6±3,4 years. Results: participation in the program increased parents' confidence in their own ability to help their child with physical exercises at home and formed their willingness to continue the course at home. After discharge, 76% of families followed the recommendations for at least 2 months, 46% additionally applied to recommended organizations for adaptive exercise. Within a period of three months, all families who continue to practice independently have sought advice from exercise therapy methodologists. For three months of home exercises all children adhering to the recommendations have demonstrated an increase in basic mobility. Conclusion: the study confirmed the advisability and desirability for parents of patients to partner with a team of specialists.

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