
Background. The article explores the specific features of the thematic spectrum in Feophan Prokopovych's dialogues, specifically "The Conversation of Tekton, or Tesla, with a Merchant" and "The Conversation of a Townsman with a Peasant and a Sexton". The actuality of this study lies in the fact that the texts of these dialogues serve as an additional and important source for studying the writer's artistic worldview and the specifics of his poetic work. The poetics of these dialogues represent the realization of classical principles in the works, synthesizing stylistic features of Antiquity, Baroque, and Enlightenment. The thematic spectrum of the works reflects the author's understanding of God, the role of education and knowledge in the life of individuals and society. The objective of the study is to analyze features of the thematic spectrum in F. Prokopovych's dialogues. Tasks involve identifying specific characteristics of author's dialogues and analyzing their realization in terms of thematic, genre, and stylistic aspects. Methods. The writer's dialogues are analyzed using historical-philological, hermeneutic, and comparative research methods. Results. In the dialogue "The Conversation of a Townsman with a Peasant and a Deaco", Feofan Prokopovych presents an artistic interpretation of religious and philosophical issues. The author focuses on the specificity of interpreting the phenomenon of simplicity, expressing his attitude toward it as a particular cultural concept. The work tends toward the sermon genre. An artistic idea of knowledge as a secular phenomenon important for further social progress is presented. The character of the Townsman embodies the idea of education and knowledge as acquisitions that are not innate but achieved through the efforts. Prokopovych advocates the thesis of the necessity of accessible and popularized education among broad segments of society. Conclusions. the thematic spectrum of F. Prokopovych's dialogues is focused on presenting the artistic interpretation of issues related to religion, the church, and education. In these dialogues, a particular societal stance of the writer is interpreted. The dialogue texts remain a prospective material for further scholarly studies. It is necessary to explore the dialogues from the perspective of the author's evolution of worldview and creative work.

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