
Abstract: This study aims to explore various scholarly perspectives on defining the concept of media culture and its significance for media, social, and cultural development. The theoretical review presents relevant theories, concepts, ap¬proaches, and important themes in the field of media culture. It argues for the necessity of a coherent theory of media transformation and media culture. The hypothesis posits that modern technologies utilizing artificial intelligence are not equivalent to human capabilities but are increasingly encroaching upon tradi¬tio¬n¬ally human domains such as language, religion, art, and politics. The conclusions drawn from the theoretical review and critical reading are applicable to several scientific fields. Media transformation often involves conflicts and is accom¬panied by crises. Therefore, media transformation can be seen as a process of transitioning from the old to the new. It expresses a new experience over time, accompanied by crises that arise from changes in technical, social, and political structures. These crises lead to a profound transformation in the media system and represent a turning point for the phenomenon of media culture as a social practice constructed by the media, through which meaning is created via different forms of communication. Keywords: transformation, media, media culture, media competence, culture, technology

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