
The features of the axiological status of the state-legal doctrine of Russian conservatism, which have an impact on national algorithms of value-motivated organization of legal activity, are considered. It is proved that the conservative doctrine represents the interrelation of irrational legal images and rational ideas originating from religious institutions and state-legal traditions of society, based on the concepts of the priority of ethical principles over formal legal grounds. It is proved that the Russian legal thinking differs significantly from the Western one, which is most fully embodied in the mode of domestic conservatism with its inherent theonomic ethics and metaphysics of unity. Based on the analysis of the domestic legal tradition, the definition of conservative legal values is formed as conditioned by the cultural and civilizational originality of ideas about legal reality, expressed in legal consciousness and legal culture, perceived in unity with moral values. The aim of the study is to establish the axiological status of the state-legal doctrine of Russian conservatism. The methodological basis includes the use of specially legal methods: historical, formal-logical, comparative, at the same time, the historical-legal nature of the work necessitated the involvement of theoretical-legal interpretation and evaluation of state-legal ideas, structural and comparative methods. It is stated that the axiological potential of the state-legal doctrine of Russian conservatism lies in the convergence of the modes of morality and law, orientation to law enforcement with congruent interaction of legal and moral regulators. It is argued that within the framework of the axiological approach and in the context of taking into account the legal tradition of Russia, it is possible both to overcome the inertia of the modern theory of law and to increase the effectiveness of legal regulation.

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